Autographed copies of books by Jeff Walling that are available for purchase through Order through page:
Daring to Dance with God
How would you like to step into God's embrace and know him more intimately? How would it feel to be swept away in his strong arms and warm affection? Such visions may seem like impossible dreams, but the incredible fact is that God yearns for deep communion and intimacy with you. God does not intend that your life be paralyzed by fear, duty, or guilt. Rather, he has orchestrated a melody, written just for you, that is full of energy, passion, and exaltation.In Daring to Dance with God, Jeff Walling uses biblical insight, fascinating stories, and cutting-edge wisdom to move you into a celebration of life's surprises and a richer relationship with the God of the unexpected.
Open this book and open your life to the daring possibilities of celebrating life at its deepest level through an intimate, expressive relationship with God. He is the lead in this great dance of life...inviting...encouraging...inspiring you to step forward into his waiting embrace. Dare to take a step and dance with God.
$12.00 (+ $3.00 shipping)
220 pp. ISBN: 1582291535
Pub. Date: April, 1996
Categories: Christian Living/Discipleship/Inspirational
Until I Return
Imagine you have only one week to live. Visions of how your loved ones will carry on after you are gone consume your every thought. Every interaction, every conversation takes on a new urgency. You want to be sure that those closest to you know your whole heart. That is the premise behind this fascinating, gripping book by Jeff Walling, who also authored the provocative Daring to Dance with God.
Until I Return examines Christ's parting teachings from the Gospel of John, chapters 14-16 -- heavy with importance, bursting with significance. This book is full of vital last-days lessons that are particularly crucial for our times. Examining some of Christ's deepest teachings, this is a book you can read for yourself or give to others -- so all of your loved ones can better prepare for the coming of Christ.
$18.00 (+ $3.00 shipping)
Hugs for Grads
Graduation is a momentous occasion for young lives, and you want to give a gift that communicates the hopes, dreams, affection, and warmth you have for that special graduate. Filled with insight and inspiration for future decisions and direction, this book conveys your faith and confidence that the road ahead is full of promise and fulfillment.
Inspirational stories, uplifting messages, encouraging quotes, and personalized
scriptures come together to give a hug to a special graduate that will impart a warmth that will be felt far beyond graduation day.
$10.00 (+ $3.00 shipping)
128 pp. ISBN: 1582291551
Pub. Date: December, 2000
Categories: Gift Books/Graduation/Youth