I'm So Sure! Building your Faith DISCUSSION QUESTIONS
Lesson One: What is “Sure”? 1.Do you find it easy or hard to trust what someone tells you?How do you determine when there is sufficient evidence to trust a story or persons testimony? 2.Read Hebrews 11:1-3.For what were the “ancients” commended?Review some of the stories there.Which strikes you and requiring the most faith?Why?
3.Read Romans 1:18-21.What type of evidence of God’s reality does Paul point to here?What does Paul say should be “clearly seen” from these? How do you see the hand of God in these things?
4.Read Daniel 3:17-18.What is the difference between knowing what God can do and what God will do?How can this help our faith in tough situations?
5.Read Hebrews 11:1 out loud together and pray for deeper faith in God’s power and presence in our world.
Lesson Two: I’m so Sure about Christ 1.What kind of comments do you typically hear when someone says that Jesus is the only way to be saved?What emotions come with those comments?Why do you think this is such an emotional topic? 2. Read John 8:21 & 14:6-7. What claims does Christ make about Himself? How exclusive are those claims? How does this affect someone who wants to believe that Jesus is one of many ways to be saved? 3. Read I Timothy 2:5-6. What does Paul say about the role of Christ? Why is it significant that he saw Jesus as the sole mediator between man and God? 4. Review the 5 factors from the sermon that spell the word “claim”. [Character, location, absence, impact and a message.] Which of these are most influential in your thinking? Which do you think will impact a non-believer the most? 5. Pray together for faith and a humble, loving spirit as we engage in discussions with folks who don’t know Jesus as their Savior.
Lesson Three: Dealing with Doubts 1.Do you find it easy or hard to trust what someone tells you?How do you determine when there is sufficient evidence to trust a story or persons testimony?
2.Read Hebrews 11:1-3.For what were the “ancients” commended?Review some of the stories there.Which strikes you and requiring the most faith?Why? 3.Read Romans 1:18-21.What type of evidence of God’s reality does Paul point to here?What does Paul say should be “clearly seen” from these?How do you see the hand of God in these things? 4.Review the 5 signposts to God.Which of them is the most persuasive for you?What other signposts have you considered? 5.Read Hebrews 11:1 out loud together and pray for deeper faith in God’s power and presence in our world.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR LESSON ONE 1. How do you feel when someone goes through your baggage or looks through your purse or wallet? What about someone looking into your past or personal history? What triggers those feelings? 2. Read I John 1:5-10. What problems does John seem to be addressing? What is the result of denying sin in our lives? What is the result of confessing sin in our lives? Why do we struggle to do the latter over the former? 3. Read Psalm 32:1-5. How would you describe Davids experience when we tried to "hide his baggage"? What dangers are there in admitting our baggage to others? 4. How would your respond to someone who said "My baggage is between me and God. No one else needs to no anything about my personal life or past." 5. What would it mean for your group to be a safe "baggage claim" zone? Pray together for God to help your group be that kind of place.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR LESSON TWO 1. What kind of special markings have you seen people put on their bags to help identify them? Why is it important to be able to "identify" my spiritual baggage? 2. Read I Corinthians 15:9-10. How does Paul claim his own baggage? Why do you think he chose to do that? How did it impact his readers? 3. Read Ephesians 2:4-10. In what way does God get the glory when I claim my baggage and own my habits or hang-ups? Which of the 5 results of claiming our baggage is most important to you right now? 4. Read II Peter 1:5-9. How would you respond to someone who asked, "If my sins are forgotten by God, why is it important for me to remember them? Shouldnt I forget all that baggage?"
5, Is there baggage that you should ID with your group so that they can pray for you as you get Gods continued help with it? Pray together for the courage and clarity to "ID your baggage."
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR LESSON THREE 1. What keeps you from accepting help from someone when you need it? How do you feel when someone provides help when you really need it?
2. Read Matthew 11:28-29. How does Jesus describes us? How do those words fit your life today? What other words might you use? What does a "light yoke" mean? 3. Read Romans 3:20-23. What is the bad news about humanity here? What is the good news? What stands in between the two? How does accepting the gift change our view of our baggage?
4. How would you respond to this statement, "You cant get help with your baggage until you admit you have it and you have identified it." Why is it an important truth?
5, What reasons would you today for not letting Jesus help with your baggage? Pray together that God will give your group the courage to identify their bags and hand them over to the Lord today.
1. How do you feel when you hear someone else be open about their faults and struggles? What does it do for your relationship? How does it impact your openness?
2. Read I Corinthians 6:9-11. Why does Paul bring up their baggage? What impact does this have on his message to them? How would you have felt hearing those facts about your fellow Christians past? 3. Read Mark 5:1-20. What does Jesus ask the ex-demoniac to do after he is healed? How difficult might this have been? What would his testimony have sounded like?
4. Which of the 3 reasons to share to "let your baggage talk" is most important to you? If you had 3 minutes to share with someone how Gods has helped you deal with your own baggage, how would you tell that story. Try sharing it with your group.
5. We need to be ready to share the story of Gods grace in our lives with any who will listen. Pray that God will prepare you to share with someone about your baggage this week.
Lesson One: A Holy Union
How was the covenant of marriage portrayed when you were a child in movies and TV? Has that changed today? If so, how has that change impacted the way Christians view the marriage covenant?
Read Matthew 19:3-6. What reasons does Christ give for honoring marriage vows? Why does he suggest that divorce came into being? How serious in the covenant of marriage to Christ?
What does "God has joined together" mean? In what ways is God the unseen hand in a Christian marriage? How should this impact the way we think about our marriages ?
Read Malachi 2:14-16. What does the prophet mean by "breaking faith"? How has this action impacted their relationship with God? What does this passage teach us today?
Respond to the statement: "If you’re not happy in a marriage, it’s better to just get out now." Review the commitment at the end of the lesson and pray that commitment as you pray for all our marriages.
Lesson Two: The Ties that Bind
When you think of marriages you respect, what are the attributes that come to mind? How have you seen those acted out in day-to-day living? How do those actions form a cycle in the relationship?
Read Ephesians 5:21-33. How do the instructions to men and women differ in the passage? What is the significance of the difference? How have you experienced that?
How would you define submission "out of reverence for Christ"? How does this differ from submission to authority? What are the results of Christ-centered submission?
Read Ephesians 4:29-32. How can our speech meet each other’s needs and edify one another? When are you most likely to disobey this verse? What do you need to seek from God to change that pattern?
Review the 3 cycles from the lesson and identify where your relationship is living. Share one practical step you could take to live out the vow of mutual submission in honor of Christ.
Lesson Three : Torn Asunder
In what ways has divorce touched your life? What has God taught you through those experiences?
Read Mark 10:2-12. What did Jesus teach about divorce? Why has it become so prevalent in our culture? How can we help the next generation avoid this heartache?
Which of the two metaphors of how marriages are destroyed, earthquake and erosion, is more important for you right now? Which do you think is the more common tool of Satan against Christian marriages? Why?
Read Job 31:1-4. What are some practical hedges against an affair that Christians can put in place? How can we support one another in these?
Review the habits that can erode a marriage. Which of these do you most need prayers to overcome? Pray together for the marriages in your group and our congregation.
CLOSER: The God Who Came Near Lesson 1 - What a Journey
Whats the greatest distance you have ever gone to see someone? What does that distance tell us about your relationship? How did the visit impact you?
Read I John 4:9-10. How does John describe what God did for us? How does his action compare with ours? What drives God to want to be closer?
Review the journey that God made. Which part of the journey is most striking to you? What does seeing the whole journey make you think about your life and worth to God?
Read I Corinthians 6:19-20. In what sense is this the end of the journey? How should knowledge this truth effect our choices? In what we read or watch? In how we spend our time?
What is the greatest obstacle between you and a closer walk with God? Pray together that God will help you draw closer to him this season.
Lesson 2 - The Human Touch
In imagining Jesus, what part of his humanness is hardest for you to think about? How does seeing him as truly, fully human impact the way you feel about him?
Read Hebrews 4:14. What point is the writer stressing about the nature of Jesus? Does tempted mean that he felt the pull of sin? Could he have sinned?
How should the scandal and confusion surrounding the incarnation shape how we view Christ? What does Satan want to do with those facts? What does God want us to do with them?
Read Luke 2:4-20. How would you respond to someone who said "Jesus doesnt understand what Im going through? He was King of the universe How can he relate to me?"
What is it about the humanity of Jesus that draws you closer to him? Pray that God will draw you even closer this season.
Lesson 3 - Closer than You've Dreamed
What memories do you have of using lights to decorate at Christmas time? How does the image of light connect with the coming of Jesus?
Read John 1:1-14. Why did the world not recognize the light? What was the resulted from that? What makes "seeing the light" difficult to share with others who may not "see" it? How does it make you feel about your faith?
Read II Corinthians 4:4-6 What does Paul say our role is in sharing the light? Is it passive or active? What things cause your light to burn brightest? How can you include more of those elements in your life in the coming year?
Review the three "inner fires" from the lesson. Which of them is the smallest in your heart this season? How can you tend that light to make it burn more brightly?
Read Ephesians 5:8 and discuss one practical way your group can shine His light this season and pray for God strength in doing so.
Discussion Questions for the
LO$T - Financial Peace Series
When was a time you were totally lost?What feelings hit you when you realized it?How did you deal with those feelings?
Read Matthew 6:21-27.What is it that Jesus warns us about worrying over?How is money God’s chief competitor for our hearts affection?How should this impact the way we think about our possessions
Read Proverbs 22:7.What is the mastery that financial debt holds in our heart?What are the losses we face when we get lost in finances through debt?
Read Hebrews 13:5What are the things God wants us to find when we conquer our financial lostness?What role does contentment play in that process?
Review the homework assignment and discuss ways to accomplish it this month.Pray that you will give your whole heart and life to God so we can enjoy the peace he wants us to have.
Lesson 2 Questions for Group Discussion:
If you’ve been trying to track your spending this month, how has it effected your buying habits?What considerations does it bring to mind when you think about any purchase?
Read Luke 12:13-21.What mistake did the rich man make?In what ways was he LOST in his finances?What does verse 21 says was the important “savings plan” he missed?
Read Psalm 24:1 and I Corinthians 4:1-2.In what ways are we “managers of God’s goods”?How should this impact our financial goals?How do Jesus’ words in Matthew 6:33 give us guidance in this matter?
Read Proverbs 17:18 & 22:7.Why does the Bible speak negatively about debt?What are the spiritual benefits of getting out of debt?What kind of changes in thinking and behavior would it take for you to move out of debt?
Share what parts of the testimony from “formerly LOST folk” was most important for you?What victories from following God could you share with your group?What changes are you prepared to make to get un-LOST this week? Pray for the resolve to do so.
Lesson 3 Questions for Group Discussion:
When you have made a plan to accomplish something, how easily do you get distracted?What kinds of things distract you from sticking with a financial plan?How have you controlled that?
Read Ecclesiastes 1:8 and 5:10-11What does the writer warn us about here?Can things ever truly satisfy us?How does Satan use discontentment to get us off track spiritually?
Respond to this statement:“If you don’t have enough now, you’ll never have enough.”
Read I Timothy 6:6-10 & 17-20.What warnings does Paul offer wealthy people?What commands does he give?Why is generosity such a powerful bridle for discontentment?How does awareness of the needs of others help us in generosity?
Review the four steps that conclude the lesson. Share a goal that is part of your financial plan.Pray together for the resolve to stick to the plan and honor God with the freedom it brings you.
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